
Archive for October 8th, 2009


So yesterday Jonas and I were walking to the library, and we were a bit chilly.  (Had we waited until today to go get new books, this conversation would have never happened.  It was 90 degrees and freaking humid today.  Yesterday? Jacket and boots weather.  Go figure.) We’re walking along with our hands in our pockets, wearing long sleeved t-shirts and jeans, and Jonas tells me he’s cold.

Me: Yeah, I know.  We need to buy you a hoodie.

Jonas: What?

(Now, right here you have to know this – Jonas wields the word “What?” like a samurai sword. That thing is quick and unexpected and lethal.  You can spend 10 minutes explaining something only to get the “What?” in return.  Or, you can tell him to do something over and over and over and over just getting “What? What? What? What?” back.  For a while I suspected the kid had some hearing loss, but my Stepfather has observed him in action and assures me he’s just doing it to annoy me.)

M: We need to buy you a hoodie.

J: What?


J: What’s that?

M: A hoodie?

J: Yeah.  What is that?

M: It’s like a sweater? Or a sweatshirt? It has a zipper down the front and is warm and has a hood that you can put over your head to keep your ears from being too cold. That’s what it is.

J: Oh yeah! What is that called?

M: …..

J: ….

M: A hoodie.

J: What?

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Pest Poetry

So many roaches

lie on their backs, legs twitching.

Must have been some bomb.


Maybe the sellers

could have disclosed roach problem

before we paid them?

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