
Archive for April 13th, 2008

Violet – Daddy?  You are NOT a skeeze!  Even when my mommy says you are?  She’s wrong.  You’re not.

Joe – Oh, Mommy calls me a skeeze, huh?  When I’m not around?  Is that what she says?

Me – No, I say it to your face.

Violet – Yeah – when you’re not around she calls you a pain in her butt!




Heh.  Whoops.

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Making the switch

I have an important announcement to make.  The child formerly known as Jaynie has officially requested that we start calling her Violet.  As it is her first name (you know – the one I carefully selected just for her?) I can’t really object.

She told us there is a good list and a bad list of things people can call her.   On the good list is Violet, Violet Jayne, Princess, and Twinkie.  On the bad list is Jaynie, Booger Eater, and Stinker McTwinker.  So there it is.  Jaynie ranks right up there with Booger Eater.  Good to know.

Be prepared to see me referring to her as Madam or Twink an awful lot, as I try to adjust to the switch.  Maybe I can set up a filter on here and every time I type Jaynie it automatically changes it for me.  Hmmm.  Now if only I had one of those for my mouth. (Well, I kind of do.  It’s a negative reinforcement mechanism.  Every time I say the name “Jaynie” it yells at me in the whiniest tone “I TOLD you I want to be VIOLET.”)

So – to review.  This is Jaynie –

Taken March 14, before the big request.



And this is Violet –

Yeah – they look remarkably similar.  But trust me, you don’t want to screw this up. Not unless you want to hear the whine whine whining.  Better to just call her  Booger Eater.  Then at least you get to have some fun before she rips you a new one.



Next up are tales from our trip.  Including but not limited to: The Big Goodbye (Bridget is off to Hawaii.  Sigh.), OCD Flower Girl, Why I Love My Sister (AKA Great Minds Think Alike), and Why I Can Never Become Anorexic (It’s not why you think!)

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